Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dr Deagle Show 01-17-11 - Oklahoma City New Evidence - Tim Alexander

Wake UpTo The Truth

Dr Deagle Show 01-17-11 - Oklahoma City New Evidence - Tim Alexander

NUTRIMEDICAL REPORT SHOW Monday January 17th, 2011 -- Hour One -- with Tim Alexander - - New developments/evidence in the Oklahoma City false flag - - BP Oil disaster getting worse - - Mark of the Beast around corner

Monday, January 10, 2011


Wake UpTo The Truth



This first video is about one of my THEORIES that I have been working on. It has ta do with the Fleu De Lis and the POSSIBILITY of it's connections to other dimensions and potential for ascension... I get a lil into the Archons and the 369 as well... This is all just theory so comments and criticisms are welcome here. Send me any info you may have concerning this theory and relevant info if you have some... I am very much a novice in this field with little study into such theories. So please be kind... ;)


Here is a bit more about my theories on dimensions, kharma, Jesus and the Eternal father... I do mention that the name Jesus could very wel be Esus, which is a god of the Gaulic Druids which would take ya right to sorcery, sacrifice and idol warship... This is not to say the the Christ or Anointed or Messiah dod not exist... He most likely did... These are all theories and let's work together to analyze the information... I would love any info yall had as well... WACKO REPORT is my radio shows from the past. Here is go into the triangulation of the english Alphabet and discuss a bit more about the Nag Hamadi...

Here are some links:

Gospel of Thomas

But I am speaking to you (sg.) concerning the three [...] shapes of the soul. The third shape of the soul is [...] is a spherical one, put after it, from the simple vowels: eee, iii, ooo, uuu, OOO. The diphthongs were as follows: ai, au, ei, eu, Eu, ou, Ou, oi, Ei, ui, Oi, auei, euEu, oiou, ggg, ggg, ggg, aiau, eieu, Eu, oiou, Ou, ggg, ggg, aueieu, oiou, Eu, three times for a male soul. The third shape is spherical. The second shape, being put after it, has two sounds. The male soul's third shape (consists) of the simple vowels: aaa, eee, EEE, iii, ooo, uuu, OOO, OOO, OOO. And this shape is different from the first, but they resemble each other, and they make some ordinary sounds of this sort: aeEoO. And from these (are made) the diphthongs.

Discourse of Eight and Nine

"Grace! After these things, I give thanks by singing a hymn to you. For I have received life from you, when you made me wise. I praise you. I call your name that is hidden within me: a o ee o eee ooo iii oooo ooooo ooooo uuuuuu oo ooooooooo ooooooooo oo. You are the one who exists with the spirit. I sing a hymn to you reverently."

Apocolypse of Adam

this CLEARLY shows we are dealing with multiple "gods".... One of which is a complete liar and jerk!

Hang in there folks... seems that yall are gettin a bit CONfused... Please take your time and slow down.... Digest the info... do some RE SEARCHING.... Keep seeking... In this video I go on a bit more about the triangulation of the alphabet and it's intended use in SPELLS by the SorcerURs...

Here I get into the aphabet a lil more... If you take the number assigned to each letter and group them... and add them up again... ya get 3 or 6 all over again... FOX is 666... AJS is 111... The Vaticanus invented the J so that their bard William Shakespeare could spin a web of deceit and cast a veil over the truth... But everything buried will be raised... The truth is coming... and they are not to happy about that... We must rise above this scourge...

Well.. here is numero sixo for youo... Here I talk abit about the Mawu-Lisa.. OOPS... I mean the Mona Lisa of the Gaulic Druid sorcerURs... Ever wonder why the first Byble was distributed in France.. King Louis... Louis means Law... Lwas... get it? It would be nice it I didn't have to talk soooo much... and SPELL soooo much... but I suppose you could consider this series a counter SPELL.... a magnetic weight pulling what is attracted to that thought process... So what AM I saying? There is an eternal Father of truth that awaits those whom seek it... and an eternal Father of Lies (Lwas aka Loas as in LOANS, LOATHE and LOAD of BULL)... The one told you the deal... the message has been delivered... the invitation is at the door... who will answer? Or maybe I'm full of BULL... I am giving you my beliefs... YOU have a divine right to your own... Seek...


Will there be an eighth? Perhaps... I go over the days of the week... Odin Frigg thor tiw... Mythology of the babylonians... Bologna... Matrix tricks of MA... enough babbling by the brook... Rothschild Thors Child can it be more obvious?

Gods of War


This video integrates Marko Rodin's symbol, the fleur de lis and a lil Wackory... I believe this video shows clearly that there are actual physical portals to other dimensions (or star systems) located on one or two planets per system... and that there are one or two portals to other dimensions (spiritually) per solar system... Now if you are a geocentrist... perhaps the center is not the sun... but the Earth... and the other physical portal is the Sun or Planet X.... I discuss what I believe now take this info and let me know what YOU think... Numbers do not lie... Letters do. So the truth must come from the MATH... and when you simplify the way that R-Odin has... then children can understand this info. That means most people that watch this video can INNERstand it as well... Perhaps the portals on Earth were the Great Pyramids around the Earth... and at one time we or another there was a great war and the physical portals were closed... Thus trapping us HERE! Thus the Letters could be hiding the numbers and used to CONSTRICT US IN THIS REALM! I don't believe I mentioned that in the video... So part 9 will go in depth about that... Please share this video with others who may have some more pieces to the puzzle...

According to the theory I have been working on... Earth could be situated at a place in this system where it can act as a dimensional portal to other star systems... This could be what the Pyramids in Egypt were used for... Interstellar travel... The Sun could be a vortex for inter-stellar and dimensional travel... Perhaps the Draconians have had to retreat to Earth as the massive ships come thru the portal of the Sun... Or perhaps they are surrounding the sun to destray any help coming thru... These are just theories to get the mind working in other ways... We have to think outside the box we courrently exist in... Some call it a tesserac cube... Metaron's cube... WHO knows.. because all we can do is speculate... Share this vid with a few peeps so we can get some more minds on the subject... Or just ignore it and move along... No big deal either way... Soon the typing and video making will be done anyway... Time ta get ready...


Looks like Orphiuchus has returned to rule... the Rule of Ur... Be not deceived... The Universe is going to balance out and all that are not in balance have a darn good chance of sayin bye bye... Orphiuchus is most likely Anu of the Anunaki... The Anu Ankh Key... 13th CONstallation could be a clue. They know this is coming... what they don't know is what is going to happen when it does... I find it amazing how my videos get prophetic at times... I dunno what that means... we are all in this together... The HEART is the Key... Earth is Heart SheArt HArt.... Be well...

Well this can't get any stranger... They just came out with the 13th CONstellation last week... That would be Anu the controller of the Ouroboros and the Fallen Angel known as Lucifer or Satan... He has many names and many looks... Him and his sort have been playing with humanity's future as well as countless of other dimensions and universes for MILLIONS of years... He is the leader of the Reptillians... the Anunaki... Anu Ankh Ki... They have created and maintained all the whirled;s Legions... manipulating the truth at every corner... Playing both sides to conflicts that THEY created... Using us in their power trip... The ultimate lesson of how NOT to be a citizen of the great cosmos of the everlasting MOST HIGH... WHose name is unspeakable... for it is so beautiful it would create a new universe right outside my window... The time has come for their demise... But the last battle will be here... On lil ole Earth... This painting was done last year... I knew it was important... but I just didn;t know what it really meant.. Until last night... Sonow I am left to wonder... Was I used by these mind-controlling shapeshifters? Or has something even more powerful then they come thru to give me prophecy? I suppose either could be the case... But I would tend to think that an ally came to assist us thru me... I've been chasing these seprents for a while... In my radio shows I cover how the deception may have occurred... Click on Wacko Report at So please share this cideo with people that think and can grasp the enormity of our situation... Take Care.

Well this is yet some more startling info folks... As it turns out what I believe to be the Ouroboros at the edge of our "solar" system has been ripped open.

The solar system is passing through an interstellar cloud that physics says should not exist. In the Dec. 24th issue of Nature, a team of scientists reveal how NASA's Voyager spacecraft have solved the mystery.

ScienceDaily (Oct. 1, 2010) — The unusual "knot" in the bright, narrow ribbon of neutral atoms emanating in from the boundary between our solar system and interstellar space appears to have "untied,"

A year ago, researchers from the IBEX mission -- NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer -- announced the discovery of an unexpected bright band or ribbon of surprisingly high energy emissions at the boundary between our solar system and interstellar space.

I believe this cloud is a REAL ANGEL.. or Angle if you will... As in.. Michael slaying the Great SERPENT! Thus the great war is upon us...

I am also quickly coming to the conclusion that Thoth is the REAL CHRIST... But that is still in thinking mode... So don't start throwin stones just yet...

Ophiuchus will be coming to Earth.... And my guess it could be the beast that rises in the Gulf of Mexico... The artificial lifeforms could create some cybernetic monster... that Lucifer can inhabit... Being that he can not possess us and neither can ANY OF HIS DEMONS! Unless of couse. you choose to allow them to inject you with the artificial lifeform via vaccines...

LUCIFER on Mt. Graham next to Pope Scope

Emerald Tablets


Freeman tv - System vs Synchronicity - You Chose To Be Here

Wake UpTo The Truth

Freeman tv - System vs Synchronicity - You Chose To Be Here

Freeman tv - Illuminati Cult Secrets - Seals to Bind Spirits

Wake UpTo The Truth

Freeman tv - Illuminati Cult Secrets - Seals to Bind Spirits

Saturday, January 8, 2011